
-new week-


i don't know why i should be excited and thrilled on this very monday
i mean...
it's monday
who is on this planet adore and love monday so much aight?

but i am kinda excited today
for i had a call from my very own adorable and lovable blue lion
(yes enchek kamal...do be dissapointed. he CALLED ME and NOT YOU)

though i was bit weary last night
but that 2 minuted call was all that i need to make this day a fabulous one

okay...enough with bragging
let me update bits and pieces, here and there
i arrived early to the office today
eager to start work
but was shattered within moments because the wireless internet is not yet switched on
but heck~~~
not a problem for me since i have like 5-6 papers to read through (my work from last week actually) and publish an executive summary from it
i was going to be indulged in reading when suddenly i have internet access
so here i am rambling and bragging about stuff

i have to cut stories short
the boss is in the meeting room
so i am at the moment is typing this entry with a serious look on my face (so that he thinks i am such a dedicated trainee)

now i need to chop-chop
until later...i'll ramble some more

4 puzzled minds:

Aisyah said...

i absolutely loath monday!!!
i hate going to work!!!
and my blue kitty calls me everyday so i cant be floating around in happy clouds for each and everytime he does.
i might not be able to come back down to solid ground.

hey you, keep it up!
i envy u.
u know, coz u r able to experience what a real industrial training should be like.
at least taste a little bit of the working ambient that we're going to be exposed to.

all the best ninny!

EsLemOnTeA said...

blue kitty?!
wherever did u pick up a lost blue kitty?

it's okay deary...
i'll pamper you more with stories to at least cheer u up
well...at least u have one or two potential master's title
haven't got the time to sit and think on one
but anyways...
you deary...keep it up too ya~~~
hang on tight~~~
i am so looking forward to meet u this october

AK said...

tak jeles pon...
2 minit je pon...
ai kan, kalo nak jumpa dia, leh trus je jumpa...
n mybe this weekend kitowang nak shopping gitar sama2...
holding hands!!!


suka kaco ko!
take care there fiqie... =p

EsLemOnTeA said...

hampeh jugak ko neh~~~
ini tidak boleh dimaafkan nie~~~
apa da...

take care too
and x yh susah2 nk take care enchek singa biru aku ye....

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