
-back to basic-

how long has it been since i last publish an entry here
i know it has been ages
quite some time long that the settings in my blog went haywire
i kinda withdrew myself from my virtual lair for quite some time

i have returned to basic
i have no idea as well what i've gotten myself into this time
but i do believe, the grass greener on the other side of fence
i had always believe that in due time, there will be a slot for me
if i'm patient enough

i've returned to the times attending classes
listening to lectures
meeting new friends
getting some new networks
gaining new knowledge and sharpening my then acquired knowledge
i've resigned from my previous job
i did not hate the job
i did not hate the company
it's the environment that i despise
but still....it is a bitter sweet moment that i had never had an inch of regret
now i'm back and returned to classes
hanging and lingering around
looking and hunting for the next job
i would be back in the action
soon...i hope~~~

i'm still in the class
waiting for the next lecture to come
but even if the lecture started
my eyes never seems tired of reading whatsoever material i can get on the web
my fingers never want to cease from prancing on the keyboard (well...once i started to type though)
i will try to update once a while

p/s: i missed my blue lion so much....though we are miles apart...i have to thank the ease of text messaging and phone calls =)

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-this is a sanctuary...respect those who seek for peace of mind-