

after been away for quite some time from home
i am back
back to my homeland a last

it has been one full year
since i last went back for holiday
it feels refreshing
but that i am back
to have another rest
for a little while

i will be facing yet another challenge
another phase in life
which i hope
i am able to encounter well

i shall unleash the wild me
so that the world can see
that i have the gems and potentials

p/s:this is truly an ad-hoc rambling of mine.being excited and ecstatic back at home had urge me to ramble whatsoever i can

5 puzzled minds:

Aisyah said...

u got lots of gems to share with the world.
so dont worry.
guess what, my dad insists on me to undergo practical in Unimap.
Apparently he talked to the Vice Chancellor of Unimap and the VC is interested on taking me as a research assistant.
I'll be doing my practical and also my Master at the same time.
Everything is sponsored, I'll get a scholarship for my Master and a wage for being research assistant as well.
The problem is, I dont want it.
And my dad wont listen to any of it.
right now, am waiting for the VC of unimap to fax an invitation to do practical to LI unit.
Oh the hassle~ i guess my dad havent changed at all. haih..

EsLemOnTeA said...


my first reaction was.....
silence and gagged for few seconds

you are his jewel and gem
of course he wants the very for you
but i was like

"dang!nino will be getting her Master way sooner than me!"

i was excited upon reading that
you were thrown a chest of treasure right on your lap
and yes i do envy
it sounds interesting to me
but then...
even if it's me
i'll pass
i don't really like the idea to be that close to home
but i really do hope the best for you

Aisyah said...

(a special post for you =p ..yeah, i hv a blog now. haha!)

yeah, i want to pass but dad says i'm being ridiculous.
as u said, he said too, its a rare chance.
but i feel burdened.

btw, thanx!

AK said...

balik umah ni...
dah tatau nak wat pe...
asik tido je!
tak pon download n tgk movie...
esok hari yang baru kowt...

EsLemOnTeA said...


en YT
sila jangan menambahkan berat badan di rumah ye
silalah tebas2 rumput dan lalang sekitar rumah
i have lots to do
with my family moving AGAIN!


you're normal if you feel burdened
be some more hard headed then
he pushed his vision on you
you pushed yours on him
play tug-a-war a bit
at least you didn't turn into any uncontrollable girls aight?

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