
-from the eye of a woman-

stumbled upon an entry by a friend a while back
he put up an interesting topic about man and woman
how woman are stepping in closer into man's world in terms of professionalism

interesting to read from a guy's point of view

it is true that we ain't living the 1940s or 50s
but it is the new era
where everything is possible

an era where we witnessed how a man from once abandoned and left out race became the most powerful man in the world

he put up a question
he questioned whether is it seems right for a woman to ask for a date from a man?

i am quite outspoken one
and typical but not too typical malay ladies

for me it was never an issue for a lady to ask for a date from a man
it happened way back before to our own prophet, Muhammad S.A.W

it ain't wrong actually
not all men out there have the courage to come to a lady and ask them

if you happened to like and head over heels for someone
why don't give it a try
be it a man or a lady
you never know what the response will be

you see
it has become more challenging for women nowadays to look for a lifetime partner
men won't set their eyes on really educated women
men won't set their eyes on well positioned women
men won't set their eyes on career women

being women is already a challenge
now we are to challenge with each other to look for lifetime partner
not that we sound desperately to settle in
but if all of the career women out there just sit and merely wait for the right man to come
it will take another lifetime

that is why it is no longer surprising for women to start the move

of course
in our very typical and narrow minded community
it will take time to really adjust,adapt and digest the new concept and idea

1 puzzled minds:

Aisyah said...

yes~ agreeable..
i dont see y ppl see this as a major upheaval..
there arent any fixed rule stating that a woman should never take d first approach..
anyhow, the guys nowadays are more "shy shy cat" than women..
thats y we see more women rising in the career world..
there4 it shouldn't b a problem for a woman to make d 1st move.
tho d move should be subtle, never agressive..

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