
-babai 2008...hai hai 2009-

new year is here
another year begone
come forth anew

nothing extravaganza happened in 2008
except that i have been celebrating new year a day early
in way up
on the upper ground

been goofing around in Genting last Saturday
with some wacko room mates i have
such an ad-hoc plan
hoisted by the evil masters in this devil-lish room

i was supposed to write about this yesterday
along with my first pictures to be posted on this very blog
but then
the internet connection so damning speedy
that my interest to foretell the great stories
of me encountered 5 seconds death hundreds feet in mist and fog
dissipated away just like that

my focus and attention
they have a really short life span
but all in all
the trip was beyond words
i get to drive (why am i excited on that?)
because i am an amateur driver
who just got my license
i still can't get enough with the thrill behind the wheels

i was suppose to write on my trip to Genting
and i wanted to show off my pictures
i really curse the internet connection for ruining my intention

i have another reason to celebrate new year tomorrow
i am not good in surprises
but i really want to make tomorrow night is his night


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